Why pay more than you should when you have the opportunity to transfer your existing credit card balance and get rewarded for it?
Whether you have a large unexpected purchase to make or you need more time to pay off existing debt without a high annual percentage rate, our Partners Financial VISA Platinum Credit Cards may be just the option.
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At Partners Financial FCU, we make owning a credit card painless and rewarding. With our No Balance Transfer Fee , you don’t have to worry about paying more than you can afford. It’s as simple as choosing one of our Partners Financial VISA Platinum Credit Cards without an added annual fee.
Easily explained, a credit card balance transfer is when you pay off debt accumulated on your existing credit card by transferring the amount to a new credit card provider/account.
In most cases, there will be a transfer limit, which means you can only transfer the amount stipulated in the new credit card agreement. Any amount left over would have to remain on your existing credit card.
Normally, there will always be a balance transfer fee. However, by choosing one of our Partners Financial VISA Platinum Credit Cards, you don’t have to worry about a transfer fee.
Other Features & Benefits:
Keeping track of several payments can be tricky, so if your goal is to remember one payment instead of several payments on different due dates, a simple balance transfer may be the option.
Instead of having to pay a high interest rate on top of the money you already owe, you can save money in the long run and reach your savings goal. Our credit card balance transfers make owing money less expensive and painless.
Paying lower interest rates means you’re able to get rid of debt sooner and make your money stretch further.
When life gets tough and you end up paying more than necessary, you have to decide whether your current credit card provider has your back.
At Partners Financial FCU, we offer both rewards and non-rewards VISA Platinum cards with No Transfer Fees, No Annual Fees, and plenty of perks to help you find more balance in life and less on your credit card.